Friday, 10 May 2013

Let's prepare for technical interview( part-1)

Mechanical engineering interview questions:
Q. What if the gasoline is used in diesel engine? Diesel engine will work?
Ans. No, it will not work, as the compression ratio of petrol engine is 6 to 10 & that of diesel engine is 15 to 22. Thus on such high compression, gasoline gets highly compressed and it may blast.
Q. Which mechanism is used in automobile gearing system?
Ans. Differntial mechanism.
Q. Why different types of sound are produced in different bikes though they all ran on SI engine?
Ans. Engine specifications are different in different manufacturer like bore diameter(cc), ignition timing. Also the exhaust passage take more responsible for sound.
Q. 1HP= how much watt ?
Ans. 746.2 watt.
Q. How to calculate bearing number to diameter of inner and outer?
Ans. Divide shaft diameter size by 5, it will give last two digits of the bearing number and according to type of load we have to choose the type of bearing and that will give prior no. Of the bearing .
Q. Define octane and cetane number?
Ans. Octane number: octane number is defined as the percentage, by volume, of iso-octane in the mixture of iso-octane and h-heptane. It is the measure of rating of SI engine.
Cetane number: cetane number is defines as the percentage, by volume, of n-cetane in the mixture of n-cetane and alpha methyl naphthaline. It is measure of rating of CI engine.
Q. Poissons ratio is higher in rubber/steel/wood ?
Ans. When material is compressed in one direction, it usually tends to expand in the other two directions perpendicular to the direction of compression. This phenomenon is called the poissons effect. Poisson's ratio is measure of the poisson effect.
For rubber= 0.5
For steel = 0.288
For wood < 0.2
Thus poisson's ratio is higher in rubber.
Q. The fatigue life of the part can be improved by?
Ans. Improving the surface finish by polishing and providing residual stress by shot peening.
Q. When crude oil is heated which hydro-carbon comes first.?
Ans. Natural gas ( gasoline) i.e. at 20 degree celsius.
Q. Difference between technology and engineering?
Ans. Engineering is application of science. Technology shows various methods of engineering. A bridge can be made using beams to bear the load,by an arc or by hanging in a cable; all shows different technology but comes under civil engineering and science applied is law of force/load distribution.


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